Microsoft Source Code Analyzer for SQL Injection 1.3 Imp

Author: LiquidWorm Published: 2011-03-17 Verified: Verified



Microsoft Source Code Analyzer for SQL Injection 1.3 Improper Permissions

Vendor: Microsoft Corp.
Product web page:
Affected version: 1.3.30601.30705

summary: Microsoft Source Code Analyzer for SQL Injection is a static
code analysis tool for finding SQL Injection vulnerabilities in ASP code.
Customers can run the tool on their ASP source code to help identify code
paths that are vulnerable to SQL Injection attacks.

Desc: The package suffers from an elevation of privileges vulnerability
which can be used by a simple user that can change the executable file
with a binary of choice. The vulnerability exist due to the improper
permissions, with the "C" flag (Change(write)) for the "Everyone" group,
for the binary file msscasi_asp.exe and the package itself, msscasi_asp_pkg.exe.

Tested on: Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 (EN)

Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
liquidworm gmail com

Advisory ID: ZSL-2011-5003
Advisory URL:



C:\Documents and Settings\User101\Desktop\msaspscan>dir
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 7C64-FE80

 Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\User101\Desktop\msaspscan

12.03.2011  02:27    <DIR>          .
12.03.2011  02:27    <DIR>          ..
12.03.2011  02:27    <DIR>          bin
03.07.2008  15:08           119.422 license.rtf
09.07.2008  10:43           107.544 microsoft.analysis.aspparser.dll
06.11.2007  20:24               524 microsoft.vc90.crt.manifest
09.07.2008  11:51         4.738.072 msscasi_asp.exe
09.07.2008  13:04               139 msscasi_view.cmd
06.11.2007  20:23           224.768 msvcm90.dll
07.11.2007  01:19           568.832 msvcp90.dll
07.11.2007  01:19           655.872 msvcr90.dll
08.07.2008  16:31           224.405 readme.html
12.03.2011  02:27    <DIR>          scripts
               9 File(s)      6.639.578 bytes
               4 Dir(s)  16.956.391.424 bytes free

C:\Documents and Settings\User101\Desktop\msaspscan>cacls msscasi_asp.exe
C:\Documents and Settings\User101\Desktop\msaspscan\msscasi_asp.exe BUILTIN\Administrators:F
                                                                    NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:F

C:\Documents and Settings\User101\Desktop\msaspscan>