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Date D   Description Plat. Author
2022-03-18   Apache APISIX 2.12.1 - Remote Code Execution (RCE) 4111 REMOTE Ven3xy
2021-04-06   Google Chrome 81.0.4044 V8 - Remote Code Execution 2307 REMOTE Tobias Marcotto
2021-04-06   Google Chrome 86.0.4240 V8 - Remote Code Execution 926 REMOTE Tobias Marcotto
2021-04-06   vsftpd 3.0.3 - Remote Denial of Service 670 REMOTE xynmaps
2021-04-06   Microsoft Exchange 2019 - SSRF to Arbitrary File Write (Proxylogon) 544 REMOTE F5
2021-03-12   Golden FTP Server 4.70 - 'PASS' Buffer Overflow 495 REMOTE 1F98D
2021-03-03   AnyDesk 5.5.2 - Remote Code Execution 571 REMOTE scryh
2021-03-03   VMware vCenter Server 7.0 - Unauthenticated File Upload 560 REMOTE Photubias
2021-03-03   WiFi Mouse - Remote Code Execution 684 REMOTE H4rk3nz0
2021-02-26   VMware vCenter 6.5 / 7.0 Remote Code Execution 813 REMOTE calmness
2021-02-26   Remote Desktop Web Access - Authentication Timing Attack (Metasploit Module) 278 REMOTE Matthew Dunn
2021-02-26   ASUS Remote Link - Remote Code Execution 137 REMOTE H4rk3nz0
2021-02-26   VMware vCenter 6.5 / 7.0 Remote Code Execution Proof Of Concept 148 REMOTE NebulabdSec
2021-02-24   Unified Remote - Remote Code Execution 241 REMOTE H4rk3nz0
2021-02-24   HFS (HTTP File Server) 2.3.x - Remote Command Execution 235 REMOTE Pergyz
2021-02-24   Apache Flink JAR Upload Java Code Execution 188 REMOTE bcoles
2021-02-18   Erlang Cookie - Remote Code Execution 178 REMOTE 1F98D
2020-09-18   Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2016 - Remote Code Execution 897 REMOTE WEST SHEPHERD
2020-08-05   CompleteFTP Professional 12.1.3 - Remote Code Execution 535 REMOTE 1F98D
2020-07-06   vCloud Director - Remote Code Execution 333 REMOTE AARONSVK
2020-06-10   Microsoft Windows - 'SMBGhost' Remote Code Execution 662 REMOTE chompie1337
2020-06-10   vCloud Director - Remote Code Execution 273 REMOTE aaronsvk
2020-02-25   Apache James Server 2.3.2 - Insecure User Creation Arbitrary File Write (Metasploit) 854 REMOTE Matthew Aberegg
2018-12-29   Hashicorp Consul Rexec Remote Command Execution 1573 REMOTE Quentin Kaiser
2018-12-29   Hashicorp Consul Services API Remote Command Execution 452 REMOTE Quentin Kaiser